Command higher pricing and stay in-demand with other freelance creatives becoming specialists in their fields.

Only ONE designer can be the cheapest...

Are you tired of taking orders?

When I became an online freelance designer after a corporate lay-off, it made sense to have a "menu."

"Step right up! Step right up! Get your graphic design in this ONE STOP SHOP!"

Everyone else has to be different.

Master of ONE Roadmap

Choose a Profitable Path

Become a pathfinder by merging a talent with a high-demand skill and a new interest that's exciting or challenging.

Eliminate the Competition

Decide to master ONE thing, instead of everything, and discover a treasure trove of clients looking for specialists not generalists.

 F.O.C.U.S. on a Problem

Make a name for yourself by focusing your brand identity & messaging on industry needs, desires, choices, and gaps.

Build Roads to the Solution

Spend 90 days stacking brand authority blocks and creating portfolio pieces that lead to Rome (your signature solution).

Control the Traffic Flow

Construct systems that build trust over time by sending leads to the right place, at the right time, and even the right person.

Expand Your Territory

Amplify brand reach by mapping out authority assets, digital products, media opportunities, and other income streams.

Creative Guides for Senior-Level Graphic Designers 

Think Small. Grow BIG!

Hi 👋🏼, I'm Aisha.

Presentation Designer & Storyteller
I used to be a graphic design desk jockey pushing pixels for accounts like Hill & Valley, Dollar General, Walmart, and SmartCo Foods at a fast-paced, retail ad agency.

The game room, soda machine, and annual trip to Six Flags masked the low pay for a while...until burning the midnight oil ever Friday burned me out in eight months flat.

After a new job and subsequent layoff from that, I decided to stay home after first kiddo and try freelancing. The breakthrough in my billing happened when I focused on serving one client with one skill: Brand Strategy.

I branded cool clients along the way like the "SockDock" — a viral laundry helper that's been viewed by millions on Good Morning America, Fox, ABC, and the Today show, and I've also contributed to the HuffPost; referrals came easy.

Then COVID happened, clients disappeared, and I got off track failing in other niches that caught my eye as they promised to be the next, pandemic-proof thing.

Now I'm rebuilding back again in a new design vertical with the same brand strategy framework, and warning other creative freelancers about the perils of splitting your focus.