"How much do you charge for a logo?"
That's probably the first question we're all asked as graphic designers.
But sometimes your client doesn't even have a name yet or worse, it sucks big time!
Or maybe your client has a great name but is branching off into other areas that need equally epic names for a suite of products or services.
Offering a name development service is a great way to get your feet wet in the creative field without the pressures of actually DESIGNING...especially if you're caught between a rock & hard place of needing to pay bills but not taking an extra shift at Target.
Why Do Names Matter?
I too was once a young designer with big dreams of landing that ad agency job in Chicago just to end up at a $10 sign shop next to a cow farm -- TRUE STORY!
I've spent over 15 years and over $15,000 in coaching programs learning online business shortcuts -- TAKE 👏🏽 THEM 👏🏽
Inside The SaaSy Creative, I've made SHORT creative guides for real client issues that I see designers facing most often...you'll find nothing lofty, generic, or esoteric here.
And because I got fed up with $1997 courses that took 8 weeks to complete, these training are under $50, under 60 minutes, and IMMEDIATELY usable.
Get in. Get Out. Get Paid. 🎉
After you go through the guide, this could happen:
1) Make a name for yourself, your products, or clients
2) Remove friction from upgrading to a branding package
3) Gain word-of-mouth notoriety among new entrepreneur groups
Who does NameFame help the most?
NameFame can help develop names for individual products, services, and company brands.
It can even jump start a domain-flipping business.
Below are a couple of product names I formulated using the NameFame system:
These $8 domain names will eventually be sold at a 99% profit margin!
Name Brands & Products Just Like the Big Agencies
NameFame requires no actually designing while still satisfying your creativity, and it's an entry point at the very top of client acquisition, and depending on your niche& talent, you could charge A LOT.
If you're a design student or still building your portfolio, having a naming service is a great way to earn while you learn.
Since this is a service that big ad agencies usually take on, online price suggestions range from $7500 to $75,000. Here's an article that explains more. It largely depends on your niche. I've helped online coaches with a product suite find names at $400 a product...and that was cheap.
You'll be turning your clients into a household name in under 20 minutes, and I'm teaching you the skill of name development in under 30 minutes, not 12 weeks.
Once you come up with a great brand name, why wouldn't your client also want you to design the logo? Get in. Get out. Get Paid More.
NameFame will help you bill more by doing less. "Naming" a brand or product could take as much creative energy as design but without the back-and-forth logo drafts, sketching, etc.
BONUS: If your client is smitten with the name, why wouldn't they want you to do the logo since you intimately crafted the name?
Client attraction is a positioning issue. My free Operation Brand guide can help you get started learning the nuances of that.
All SaaSy Creative Guides are non-refundable. Why? Because I can't get your time back, erase your memory, and my DM to Agent J about borrowing his MIB Neuralyzer is still on "unread."
I've lowered the risk on your end by price and with shorter trainings that beat those $1997 courses that take 8 weeks to complete. My mission is to help creatives market themselves quickly and easily while they are focused on honing their craft.
Learn the process for brand & product name development.